IM Set of the Week

Jul 31, 2007
IM Set of the Week

Did the Set of the Week from July 27, 2007WARMUP: 700With Zura Alpha fins:500 kicks & free & back200 EZ breast kick with pull buoy, focus on keeping feet together and in streamline till head is back in the water after the breathMAIN SET: 1500No breaks. Everything on a 30-second base per 25 (sendoff)100 FL + 25 BK100 BK + 25 BR100 BR + 25 FR125 FR75 FL + 25 BK75 BK + 25 BR75 BR + 25 FR100 FR50 FL + 25 BK50 BK + 25 BR50 BR + 25 FR75 FR25 FL + 25 BK25 BK + 25 BR25 BR + 25 FR50 FR25 FL25 BK25 BR25 FRPULL SET: 8004 X 200 #1 Freestyle pull with pull buoy and paddles, focus high elbow and shoulder#2 Whole-stroke Breast with pull buoy and paddles, focus on keeping feet together until head is out for the breath#3 Freestyle pull with pull buoy and paddles, focus extend front to back with hands#4 Whole-stroke Breast with pull buoy (no paddles), same focus as beforeTotal Yardage: 3000

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