
May 1, 2007

WARMUP: 700With Zura Alpha fins:100 dolphin100 flutter100 dolphin200 free/back200 EZ breast kick, various positionsBREAST/FLY SET: 500 + 10010 X 50 with fins on 1:00 sendoff1. Pulse breast, breathe every 42. Fly/Breast Combo3. Each length is 2L/2R Fly --> whole-stroke Fly4. Pulse breast, breathe every 35. Karla drill6. Each length is 2L/2R Fly --> w.s Fly7. Pulse breast, breathe every 28. Each length is 3 strokes Fly --> Free9. Each length is 2L/2R FLy --> w.s. Fly10. Pulse breathe, breathe every stroke100 EZ recoveryMAIN SET: 1500Swim 5 rounds of the following. Take one minute extra rest between rounds. I used a Tempo Trainer (actually, two Tempo Trainers), but you don't need one to do the set.The goal was to simulate race conditions of pace, stroke rate, and fatigue for the 200 breast. Where this happened was not necessarily on the 200s, but on the final 100 of each 200 combined with the 2 X 50 that follow. By swimming to the TT throughout the 200, you build up leg and aerobic fatigue (but not too much oxygen debt) on the first 100 of drill/kick, then the trick is simply to hold onto the assigned stroke rate for the 100. After the 200, you get a little rest (but not enough to get your HR below 100), and then you have to swim 2 X 50 at slightly below race pace for the 200. I'm looking to average 42 or 43 seconds per 50 in a race-day 200, so in this set I was trying to swim the 2 X 50 in 40 to 41 seconds.1 X 200 on 4:00 sendoff (or 45 seconds rest). Swim this as:25 Body-Dolphin Breast25 Hand-Lead Breast Kick on Your Back25 Body-Dolphin Breast25 Hand-Lead Breast Kick on Your Back100 Breast2 X 50 breast on 1:00 sendoff (or approximately 20 seconds rest)Round #1: TT set at 1:85 for the 200; TT set to beep every 10 seconds for the 50s. [3:20... 40... 41]Round #2: TT @ 1:80 for the 200; 10 seconds for the 50s. [3:16... 40... 40]Rounds #3, 4, 5: TT @ 1:75 for the 200; 10 seconds for the 50s. [3:13... 40... 41... 3:12... 40... 41... 3:11... 40... 41]WARMDOWN: 300300 real EZ, then 3 starts from the blocksTotal Yardage: 3100

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