Keeper Breaststroke Set

Oct 30, 2007
Keeper Breaststroke Set

Have done this main set several times and still like it. It's great as preparation for SCM races. It is as much of a kick set as a swim set. At the 175 point of every swim, you are fatigued but not so trashed that you can't focus on technique for the final 50 yards. And because you are wearing a Tempo Trainer, you have to maintain a fast cadence on the final 50 yards.WARMUP: 700With fins: 500 yards dolphin, flutter, free, back200 breast kick in various positionsMAIN SET: 1800 + 2008 X 225 on 4:30 sendoff (or approximately 30 to 40 seconds rest)Swim each 225 as:25 breast kick on your back25 breaststroke drill (e.g., breast w/ an extra kick, pulse breast, 3 down...1 up)25 breast kick on your back25 breast drill25 breast kick on your back25 breaststroke25 breast kick on your back50 breaststroke#1 & #2: Tempo Trainer at 1.80 (or comfortably fast cadence)#3 & #4: TT @ 1.75#5 & #6: TT @ 1.70#7 & #8: TT @ 1.65200 EZ freestyle pullWARMDOWN SET: 300With fins and paddles:4 X 75 breaststroke pull on 1:30 sendoff3 starts from the blocksTotal Yardage: 3000

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