Kick/Pull Sets

Aug 19, 2007
Kick/Pull Sets

Did this in a 20-yard pool.WARMUP: 800With Zura Alpha fins:600 dolphin kick, flutter kick, free200 breast kick, various positionsKICK/PULL SET #1: 120010 X 120 with pull buoy Odds (pulling on 2:00): 20 free/20 back/20 free/20 breast/40 freeEvens (kick with pull buoy on 2:45): 20 breast/20 flutter/60 breast/20 dolphinKICK/PULL SET #2: 400With Zura Alpha fins.10 X 40 with 5 bobs recovery between 40sOdds: 20 breast arms with dolphin kick under water/20 hand-lead dolphin kick on your back with arms on the water and head up (look at your feet)Evens: 20 breast arms with dolphin kick UW/20 head-lead dolphin kick on your back with hands "in pockets" and head up. Look at your feet and, as you kick, make as huge a bulge with you feet as you can.KICK/PULL SET #3: 400With Zura Alpha fins.10 X 40 with 5 bobs recovery between 40sOdds: 20 hand-lead dolphin kick arms on the water and head up/20 body-dolphin breast breathing every stroke and working on agressive, fast hands with big body motionEvens: 20 head-lead dolphin kick on your back with hands in pockets and head up, making huge bulge with your kick/20 body-dolphin breast breathing every stroke working on fast hands and big body motion.WARMDOWN: 200 EZTotal Yardage: 3000

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