Main Set Monday - May 7, 2012

May 7, 2012
Main Set Monday - May 7, 2012

Here's the swim practice that Barbara's learning group will do today.  It combines drills, kick, pull, focus points, and all four strokes.

WARMUP:  10 minutes on your own

8 X 25 kick with fins on :40 or :45
Odds:  Dolphin kick on your back
Evens:  Flutter kick on your back

MAIN SET:  1650
Fins are recommended on all parts of this set, except for the pull.

6 X 50 (25 drill of your choice/25 swim) on a sendoff that gives 20-25 seconds rest

16 X 25 IM order four times through (Fly..Back..Breast..Free)
Try to establish a sendoff that works for all the strokes (our group chose :50)
On the butterfly lengths, swim just 3 strokes of fly, then finish the length with freestyle.
On the breaststroke lengths, do breaststroke armstroke with dolphin kick.

100 easy recovery

8 X 25 Position-11 Freestyle (half a length easy; half a length build to fast) on :45

3 X 50 freestyle pull (no fins; use a pull buoy).  Focus on hiding your head.

3 X 50 flutter kick with fins and using a kickboard

8 X 25 with fins
Odds:  Braststroke arms with dolphin kick
Evens:  Wave Backstroke

3 X 50 with fins (25 freestyle/25 bckstroke)

200 easy.  On the final 100, climb out of the pool and start each length from a dive, trying to make a splash-free entry.

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