Main Set Saturday -- Resistance Toys

Feb 2, 2013
Main Set Saturday -- Resistance Toys

This one was just plain fun.  Nobody wanted to get out of the pool at the end.  

During the main set, 15 masters swimmers shared one parachute, 4 medballs (4 to 6 pounds), 6 tethers of various strengths, and one grudge belt.  Because the swimmers ranged in speed from beginner level to advanced, use of the resistance toys was staggered and no one had to wait to use a "toy."    The beginner-level swimmers did a modified version of the main set (see below).  

WARMUP:  400 on your own

16 X 25 on whatever sendoff/turnaround gives you approx 10 seconds rest; fins optional; four rounds of:
#1:  Dolphin kick on your back with arms in the air
#2:  2 Left/ 2 Right Backstroke
#3:  Pulse breaststroke
#4:  Freestyle, breathing every 5 or 6

MAIN SET  2400
There are no sendoffs/turnarounds on the main set.  Just make your equipment changes, regroup with your lane, and GO.
Three rounds of the following (fastest lanes do 4 rounds if time):
1 X 200 pull; breathe equally to right and left on at least the first 100

1 X 200 IM with fins; start each length with at least 3 underwater dolphins, no matter what stroke you're swimming

1 X 200 (25 back/ 25 breast for first 150, then finish with 50 freestyle (fins optional)

50 easy recovery
Resisted swimming.  Choose one of the following:
     2 X 50 on tether
     2 X 50 with parachute
     2 X 50 kicking on your back while holding a medball above the water
     2 X 50 medball toss with a partner 
     2 "grudge contests" with a partner, using a grudge belt
50 easy recovery

6 X 50 easy pull (any stroke) as a group on 1:00

Three rounds of the following
1 X 200 pull breathe equally to right and left on at least the first 100

1 X 100 IM with fins; start with at least 2 underwater dolphins off every wall.  On butterfly, swim 3 strokes fly --> free.

1 X 200 with fins (25 back/25 breast for first 150, then finish with 50 free)

50 easy recovery
Resisted swimming.  CHoose one of the following:
     2 X 25 on tether
     1 X 50 with parachute
     1 X 50 kicking on your back with fins while holding medball above the water
     1 X 50 medball pass with a partner
50 easy recovery

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