Main Set Thursday - Boot Camp 3

Jul 11, 2013
Main Set Thursday - Boot Camp 3

Timed circuits are a staple of gym-based boot camps, so why not try the same concept at the pool….

WARMUP:  400 on your own

2 X 25 free on :30 (:35 scm)
2 X 25 breast on :35 (:40 scm)
2 X 25 back on :35 (:40 scm)
2 X 25 fly on :40 (:45 scm)

MAIN SET:  1200
Three rounds (circuits) of the following.  Be sure to note your total time for each circuit, because the goal of the set is to descend your time on each circuit.  There’s a lot of choice, but do the same thing in each round so you can compare your times.  Other than the mandatory rest intervals specified below, it’s your choice how much rest to take.   NOTE:  It’s very helpful if Coach can record everyone’s times on a white board.

1 X 200 choice
Swim half a length, flip, and swim back to the starting wall to start your “official” 200.

1 X 50 kick on your back (choice of kick) while holding pull buoy in the air with both hands.  After the 50, climb out and hold plank position for 30 seconds.

1 X 100 choice
Swim half a length, get onto your back and KICK back to the starting wall to start your “official” 100.  After your 100, rest EXACTLY 30 seconds and then push off for…

2 X 25 choice, with exactly 20 seconds rest between the 25s.  Touch the wall and you’re done!  Get your total time for the circuit.

WARMDOWN:  200 easy, then practice a few dives through the noodle.

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