For a very scary Halloween workout you will need:
1 small pumpkin for every 4 or 5 swimmers12+ small apples1 oversized T-shirt for every 4 or 5 swimmersOptional: Glow sticks or glow necklaces for the Visit to the Underworld
WARMUP: 400 on your own
TRICK-OR-TREAT WARMUP SET: 2008 X 25 freestyle on :35Odds: No breathing for the first 6 strokesEvens: No breathing from flags to finish
PUMPKIN-PASS/IM SWIM: 200Divide all swimmers into 2 teams. Team #1 does pumpkin pass while Team #2 does a 50 Fly. When all members of Team #2 finish their 50 Fly, they do pumpkin pass while Team #1 swims a 50 Fly. Repeat until both teams have done 1 X 50 in each stroke.
STANDARD SET: ???4 swims on 1:30. Your choice of distance, stroke (or kick), and equipment. Just make the sendoff.
SCULL & BONES: 1503 X 50#1: Feet-first scull on your back, pushing a pumpkin with your feet.#2: Kick on your back, while using Styrofoam noodles as “clackers.”#3: Scull of choice
MUMMY RELAY: 50Divide into 2 or more teams.Each swimmer wears a T-shirt but you can’t put your arms through the sleeves, i.e., keep them at your sides. Each team member kicks a 50.
GREAT PUMPKIN MEDLEY RELAYBackstroke: Swim or kick on your back, holding pumpkin above waterBreaststroke: Swim breaststroke with an apple under your chinButterfly: Swim any stroke or style on your stomach or side, with a pumpkinFreestyle: Swim freestyle while holding an apple in each hand
VISIT TO THE UNDERWORLD: 1004 X 25 on :45For added excitement, wear a glow necklace around your neck or hold a glow stick while swimming. On each 25, get to the middle of the pool any way you want…but under water. Finish the length by swimming to the wall.
CORPSE-PUSHING PARTNER: 50Find a partner. One partner swims backstroke. The other partner is on his/her back with his feet on the head of the swimmer, and with his arms folded over his chest. ox—<o/—<javascript:void(0);/1383165216239/
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