Main Set Thursday - SCM Training in SCY

Aug 16, 2012
Main Set Thursday - SCM Training in SCY

As we head into the SCM season, it's time to push beyond the SCY comfort zone of 50s and 100s.  Today's workout asks you to do broken 75s and 125s, with a little bit of speed to spice things up.

MAIN SET:  1900
10 X 125
Odd 125s:  Straight swim and use these as kind of a recovery from the even 125s.
Even 125s:  These are broken at the 100 for exactly 10 seconds, then finish with an up-tempo 25.  Descend your time 2 through 10.  
NOTE:  These are choice, but swim the same thing on all the even 125s so that you can compare your times and work toward a descend.  You will probably be on a different sendoff on the odd and even 125s.  E.g., 2:30 on the odds and 2:45 on the evens.  You should take roughly 20 seconds rest after the odd 125s and 30-45 seconds rest on the even 125s.

200 easy recovery

Three rounds of the following:
2 X 75 on 2:00  
1 X 50 easy recovery
NOTE:  The 75s are broken at the 50 for exactly 10 seconds, then finish with an up-tempo 25.   Second 75 should always be faster than the first 75.  These are choice by round. 


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