Main Set Thursday - September 15, 2011

Sep 15, 2011
Main Set Thursday - September 15, 2011

 Challenging IM set with the Masters this morning.  Lots of opportunities to work on your transition turns.

Some good videos to watch before practice:
Go Swim All Strokes with Kaitlin Sandeno & Erik Vendt (turns chapter)
Go Swim All Strokes with Karlyn Pipes-Neilsen (turns chapter)
Go Swim All Strokes with Eric Shanteau (turns chapter)
Go Swim Breaststroke Turns & Pullouts with Dave Denniston
Go Swim the 7 Competitive Turns wth Steve Haufler

WARMUP:  400

6 X 50 on a sendoff that gives 15-20 seconds rest
Odd 50s:  Back/Breast  If doing open turns, focus on swimming into the turn with lead hand palm DOWN and with the trailing arm pointed toward the starting end of the pool.  Also focus on keeping head low during turn and pointing the toes during the tuck.
Even 50s:  Breast/Free  Focus on a quick "elbow back" with your turning arm, and keeping head low during the turn

MAIN SET:  1700
Focus on the turns, using the points mentioned above.  In general, focus on being READY for the turn.  Anticipate what position you want to be in when your hand(s) touches the wall so that you can execute the turn with no hesitation.

Swim 6 rounds of the following:
3 X 50 on a sendoff that gives 15-20 seconds rest
    #1:  Fly/Back
    #2:  Back/Breast
    #3:  Breast/Free
1 X 100 IM on a sendoff that gives at least 25-30 seconds rest; descend time on these 100s every two rounds

After you've finished all 6 rounds, swim 100 easy recovery, then...
1 X 100 ALL OUT from the blocks; choice of stroke (or IM) and equipment; focus on your turns!


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