Main Set Thursday - Tempo Trainer Combo 100s

Jun 6, 2013
Main Set Thursday - Tempo Trainer Combo 100s

This set works best if you have two Tempo Trainers, but one TT works just fine.

Start by setting up one TT for a cadence that feels relatively relaxed and long for both backstroke AND freestyle.  If you have a second TT, set it for a cadence that works for breaststroke.   Personally, I started at 1:35 for back/free and at 1:80 for breaststroke (and wore fins for the set), but you have to find your own best cadences.  Experiment before you start the set!

During the set, you keep the breaststroke TT at the same cadence on all five rounds.  But…on each new round of free/back 100s, you will increase the cadence of the TT by :05.  E.g., I went from 1:35 on round #1, to 1:30 on round #2 …1:25…1:20…and then 1:15 on the final round.

Five rounds of the following, with no break between rounds.
2 X 100 (half back and half free, in any order) on 15-20 seconds rest (for me, 2:00 sendoff/turnaround in SCM)
2 X 100 (fly/breast combination drill) on 20-25 seconds rest  (for me, I used 2:10 sendoff, and did various combinations of single-arm fly and breast — mostly 2 Left/2 Right Fly + 2 strokes breast)

You don’t want to give yourself too much rest on this set, so you have to be quick in changing the cadence of the Tempo Trainer.  That’s where it helps to have two TTs.  But one is OK.

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