Main Set Tuesday - 500s with Dryland

Jun 11, 2013
Main Set Tuesday - 500s with Dryland

First local triathlon is this weekend, featuring a 500-yard swim.  Too bad we couldn’t get the pool temp down to 60 degrees (F) to REALLY get the swimmers ready.

Before practice, set up some kickboards or cones or water bottles at the end of each lane so swimmers can sight on something.

3 X (500 + 100)
Each 500 starts and ends with some dryland…as follows:

Start on deck with 10 pushups.  Then dive in, swim up tempo for the first 25, then settle into a pace you can sustain for 500+ yards.  You must sight at least once on each length.  At the end of the 500, climb out and hold plank for 10 deep breaths, then dive in for 100 easy recovery.  Repeat.   Try to get your swim time on each 500 and try to hold times steady, or descend.     Fastest lanes could add a fourth 500.

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