Main Set Tuesday - All-Strokes Set and Olympic Event

Aug 7, 2012
Main Set Tuesday - All-Strokes Set and Olympic Event

Today's set keeps everyone on the same sendoff, and asks you to spend some time on each stroke.   Plus some Olympic fun at the end.

MAIN SET:  1700 yards
Do the set as a group.  Wear fins if necessary to make the sendoffs/turnarounds.  If these sendoffs give you a lot of rest, it's OK.  Take the rest!  It just means you can go nice and fast at the end of each descend.  Do one set in each stroke.  It's your choice as to what is your second, third, and fourth stroke.  Adjust the sendoffs upward by :05 if you're swimming meters.

12 X 50 freestyle on 1:05 sendoff; descend 1-4, 5-8, 9-12

50 easy recovery

9 X 50 second stroke on 1:10; descend 1-3, 4-6, 7-9

50 easy recovery

6 X 50 third stroke on 1:15; descend 1-3 and 4-6

50 easy recovery

3 X 50 fourth stroke on 1:20; descend 1-3

50 easy recovery

You will need a Styrofoam noodle.  While in the water, stand with both feet on the noodle and get your balance.  When you feel balanced, time yourself for a 25.  I.e., you have to pull/scull yourself for 25 yards, while retaining your balance on the noodle.  At some point during the 25 you must reverse your stance from right hip leading to left hip leading (regular to goofy in snowboarding terms).  We added an extra assignment of pumping your legs up and down 5 times during the 25.  All of this without taking your feet off the noodle.  

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