Main Set Wednesday - Descend Set

Aug 8, 2012
Main Set Wednesday - Descend Set

MAIN SET:  1500 yards or meters
This set is choice for both the 50s and 100s, but you should swim the same thing on all the 50s and the same thing on all the 100s.   On the 50s, choose a sendoff/turnaround that gives you 5 to 7 seconds rest.  One the final 2 X 100, you should get zero to five seconds rest.  Here's an example of how to do the set if your 50s are on a 50-second sendoff/turnaround and your first 2 X 100 are on a 1:50 sendoff/turnaround:

2 X 50 on :50
2 X 100 on 1:50
2 X 50 on :50
2 X 100 on 1:45
2 X 50 on :50
2 X 100 on 1:40
2 X 50 on :50
2 X 100 on 1:35
2 X 50 on :50
2 X 100 on 1:30

If you can devise a net, the rest will take care of itself.  We ended up having a contest to see which four players (two on each side of the net) could sustain the longest rally.  

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