Main Set Wednesday - Flutter Kick No Fins

Sep 18, 2013
Main Set Wednesday - Flutter Kick No Fins

Lots of groans when the masters saw this before practice…lots of thumbs up after practice.   The rule today was NO FINS.  Tough it out no matter how slow you are at flutter kick.   You can kick with or without a board.  You can kick on your back, stomach, side…whatever you choose…but no fins.

Modifications:  If your intial sendoff/turnaround is 1:40-2:00, skip the first 6 X 60 and start with 5 X 50.  If your initial sendoff/turnaround is 2:00 or higher, start with 4 X 50.

WARMUP:  400 on your own

WARMUP SET:  100 easy kick, your choice

MAIN SET:  1700
6 X 50 flutter kick on a sendoff/turnaround that gives 20-25 seconds rest.

200 pull, breathe equally to right and left

5 X 50 flutter kick; take :05 off your sendoff.  See if you can stick with flutter kick, but add an armstroke if necessary to make the sendoff.

200 (25 scull/25 pull); choice of scull

4 X 50 flutter kick; take another :05 off your sendoff.  See how much kick you can do until you need a few armstrokes to make the sendoff.

100 drill, your choice

3 X 50 flutter kick; take another :05 off your sendoff.  You know what to do.

100 easy swim or pull, choice

2 X 50 flutter kick; take another :05 off your sendoff.  Go for it!

50 easy swim or pull, choice

1 X 50 flutter kick all out for time.   Blast it!

WARMDOWN:  200 easy pull

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