Main Set Wednesday - January 4, 2012

Jan 4, 2012
Main Set Wednesday - January 4, 2012

 This main set got many thumbs up today from the Masters group that Barbara coaches.

MAIN SET:  1100 + ?????
Set was written for a 25-yard pool.

Goal is to descend your time on each of the 200s...and to make the second 100 faster than the first 100.   Fins are optional on the 200s and 100s.   Whatever you choose to swim (IM, FRIM, or FREE), do the same thing throughout the set.  FRIM = IM, substituting freestyle for butterfly.

2 X 25 dolphin kick, no fins, on :40 or :45 sendoff
1 X 200 IM, FRIM, or FREE on 3:15 (fastest swimmers), 3:30 (middle lanes), 3:45 (slower lanes)
2 X 25 flutter kick on your back, no fins, on :35 or :40
1 X 200 IM, FRIM, or FREE on 3:15, 3:30, or 3:45
2 X 25 breaststroke kick on your back, on :35 or :40
1 X 200 IM, FRIM, or FREE on 3:15, 3:30, or 3:45
2 X 25 flutter kick on your back, no fins, on :35 or :40
2 X 100 IM, FRIM, or FREE on 1:45 or 2:00; second 100 is faster than first 100

100 easy recovery

10 swims on 1:15    
These are choice of distance, stroke, and equipment.  Feel free to mix distances, strokes, etc.

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