The main focus of the set is the kick segments. It takes great focus and concentration to maintain a high-intensity kick. If you're talking during these kick segments...or even looking around... you're probably not giving it everything you have.
The goal of the 225s is to get our swimmers ready for an SCM meet next month, while training in our SCY pool.
Twice through:
2 X 25 kick on :40
1 X 50 pull on 1:00
MAIN SET: 2075
2 X 225 choice on 20-30 seconds rest; descend 1-2
4 X 25 up-tempo kick on :45 (it's a lot of rest; take it!)
2 X 225 choice on 20-30 seconds rest; descend 1-2
4 X 50 FAST kick on 1:30
2 X 225 choice on 20-30 seconds rest; descend 1-2
4 X 75 SUPER-FAST kick on 2:00. Try to kick these in the same time you could swim a 100 at race pace. (It can be done!)
50 easy recovery
1 X 125 choice of stroke (or kick) and equipment. Build speed and effort throughout the 125, but try to build your speed by increasing the intensity of the kick (not the intensity of the pull).
100 easy, starting from a dive on each length
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