Main Set Wednesday - Pull Buoy Variations

Feb 13, 2013
Main Set Wednesday - Pull Buoy Variations

We had two goals today:  
1)  Get everyone to try the pull-buoy drill demonstrated in Go Swim's Drill of the Week
2)  Give everyone more practice at "negative-splitting" their 200s.  

Negative-splitting means that you swim the second half faster than the first half.  For a 200, this means that the second 100 should be faster than the first 100.  This can be an effective way to race a 200, but you need to experiment with this strategy in practice to develop a good sense of pace.  

MAIN SET  1900
1 X 400 swim or pull; moderate pace and breathing equally to right and left.  Try to descend time on each 100.

2 X 100+ backstroke on 15 seconds rest interval.  These are backstroke except that you add a little "extra" to the front end of each 100. Start each 100 by pushing off on your back in streamline.   After the break out, take one stroke, then roll and execute a flip turn.  Swim back to your starting wall, where you execute another flip, and now your true 100 begins.   (Note:  Do this extra flip only if you are alone in your lane, or splitting the lane with one other swimmer!)

3 X 50 freestyle pull on 1:00; #1 pull buoy at ankles...#2 pull buoy at knees...#3 pull buoy at normal position

4 X 25 kick, choice, on :35

2 X 200 choice of stroke and kit; negative split each 200

2 X 100 free with an extra flip at the start of each 100 (as above, but now you're swimming freestyle)

3 X 50 pull on 1:00; #1 pull buoy at ankles...#2 pull buoy at knees...#3 pull buoy at normal position

4 X 25 kick, choice, on :35

1 X 200 choice of stroke and kit; negative split the 200

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