Main Set Wednesday -- Strapless Paddles, Noodles, Drill/Swim

Apr 18, 2012
Main Set Wednesday -- Strapless Paddles, Noodles, Drill/Swim

This practice got thumbs up from the beginning swimmers on the Masters team that Barbara coaches.  

Entire practice was swum with fins.   Follow the active links to video on

Total Yardage:  1800 yards, not including a warmup before starting the main set

8 X 25 on :40 sendoff
Odd 25s:  Dolphin kick on your back
Even 25s:  Flutter kick on your back
Start each 25 with a drop push on your back.  Get UNDER the surface!

4 X 25 sculling with strapless paddles.  Vary your body position, e.g., 25 feet first on your back...25 head first on your back...25 head first on your stomach...etc.

4 X 25 Position-11 Freestyle
Focus:  Maintain straight line from fingertips to elbow.

1 X 50 dolphin kick on your back
1 X 50 dolphin kick on your stomach

5 X 100 with ping-pong balls or small slices of a Styrofoam noodle, swum as 25 drill/25 P-11 Freestyle/25 drill/25 P-11 Freestyle
1st 100:  Drill is Head-Lead Side Balance, Nose Up
2nd 100:  Drill is 6-Kick Switch
3rd 100:  Drill is 360 Balance
4th 100:  Drill is FIngertip Drag
5th 100:  Drill is Extended Balance Nose Up/Nose Down
Goal:  Count strokes on the swim lengths and maintain same count throughout.

4 X 25 Postiion-11 Freestyle, maintain straight line from fingertips to elbow.

1 X 50 dolphin kick on your back
1 X 50 dolphin kick on your stomach

8 X 25 on :40 sendoff
Odd 25s:  Backstroke
Even 25s:  Back/Free Combo (4 strokes Backstroke/3 strokes Freestyle)

4 X 25 Position-11 Freestyle, maintain straight line from fingertips to elbow.

8 X 25 flutter kick with a board on whatever sendoff gives 10-15 seconds rest.

4 X 25 Position-11 Freestyle, maintain straight line from fingertips to elbow

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