Mini-Taper Breaststroke Set

Mar 25, 2008
Mini-Taper Breaststroke Set

WARMUP:  700
500 with fins -- mix of dolphin, flutter, free, back
200 EZ breast kick, various positions

8 X 25 on :30 sendoff  
Start with 3 strokes of fly on #1, then finish with breaststroke.  Add a stroke of fly on each 25, 1-4 and 5-8.

MAIN SET:  Approx. 900
5 X 75 breaststroke with no particular sendoff -- just go when your heart rate returns to 100 or below.  Use a Tempo Trainer in Mode 2 and work it down until you're going at race pace on the fifth 75.  Fourth and fifth 75 are from the blocks.  Swam 75 easy recovery after #3 and #4.
#1:  TT @ :23
#2:  TT @ :22
#3:  TT @ :21
#4:  TT @ :20  [made it with about 1 second to spare]
#5:  TT @ :19  [missed it by less than 1 second]

200 easy recovery

3 X 25 breaststroke from the blocks and with a turn.  No sendoff -- just wait till heart rate is at 100 or lower.   Use a Tempo Trainer in Mode 2 and set it at your target race pace for a 50.  Try to beat the TT with your feet at the turn.    [Used a setting of :18.  Didn't quite make it when taking 9 strokes per length, but did make it when taking 8 strokes per length.  There's a lesson there...don't overswim.]


Total Yardage:  2000

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