Recovery Set after New Year's Day Mega Set

Jan 3, 2011
Recovery Set after New Year's Day Mega Set

Our Masters team did a big set on New Year's Day (100 swims on 1:15), so today was a recovery day with no sendoffs and lots of swimming with FINS.

WARMUP:  400 choice on your own

200 with your choice of equipment.  Make this a PLAY 200.  Feel the water.  Do porpoise dives or jumps.  Invent a drill.  Swim under water.  Scull.  Kick.  Let yourself experiment for 8 easy lengths.

MAIN SET:  2000
This is a fin set.  Whenever you hit a length that should be breaststroke kick, substitute dolphin kick on your stomach or on your back.  Make sure your turns are LEGAL!  Go nice and easy and long on the final 50s of freestyle, using a 6-beat kick.  Even though you're kicking and swimming at an easy pace, don't allow your swimming to be sloppy.

8 X 250, swum as 200 IM + 50 freestyle.  Each 200 IM is different, as follows:
#1:  Kick the IM; all kicks are with arms at your SIDES.
#2:  Kick the IM; all kicks are with arms extended.
#3:  IM is 2Left/2Right drill for all strokes.
#4:  IM is combination drills.  E.g., on the 50 "Fly," do a drill that combines Fly and Breast.  On the 50 "Backstroke," do a drill that combines Backstroke & Freestyle.
#5:  IM is dolphin kick for Fly and Breast; swim Back and Free.
#6:  IM is flutter kick for Back and Free; drill the Fly and Breast.
#7:  Kick the IM; all kicks are with at least one arm extended.
#8:  Drill or swim the IM.  

WARMDOWN:  200 easy choice 

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