Saturday Practice 8 X 75 Controlled Descend with Tempo Trainer

Oct 13, 2007
Saturday Practice 8 X 75 Controlled Descend with Tempo Trainer

WARMUP: 400KICK SET: 2008 X 25 kick choiceBREAST/FLY SET: 500 + 5010 X 50 with fins on 1:00 sendoff#1: Pulse breast, breathe every 4#2: Fly/Breast Combo#3: 2L/2R Fly -- > whole-stroke Fly#4: Pulse breast, breathe every 3#5: Karla drill#6: 2L/2R FLy --> w.s. Fly#7: Pulse breast, breathe every 2#8: 3 strokes Fly -- Free#9: 2L/2R Fly --> w.s. FLy#10: Pulse breast, breathe every stroke50 EZ recoveryMAIN SET: 600 + 2008 X 75 with calculated descend down to race pace on the final 75First 6 X 75 are on approx. 30 seconds rest (one BEEP of the Tempo Trainer in mode #2). On final 2 X 75, wait till heart rate falls below 100.To determine your initial setting for the TT, choose your goal time for a 100 in your choice of stroke. In the example below, the goal time is 1:16 for 100 scy breast. Convert this time to seconds (77 seconds in our example) and divide by 4 (19 seconds in our example). This will be your final TT setting at the end of the set. For our INITIAL TT setting, add 7 seconds to your goal pace (in our example, it would be 19 + 7 = 26). On each 75, you will change the setting on the TT, taking it down by one second. So, you are doing a very controlled descend. The first 4 X 75 should feel VERY easy. The final four will get progressively tougher until you are all out on the final two from the blocks.#1: Tempo Trainer set to beep every 26 seconds [went ~1:17]#2: TT set @ 25 seconds [went ~ 1:14]#3: TT set @ 24 seconds [went 1:12]#4: TT set @ 23 seconds [went 1:09]#5: TT set @ 22 seconds [went 1:06]#6: TT set @ 21 seconds [went 1:03]#7: From the blocks, with TT set @ 20 seconds [went 1:00]#8: From the blocks, with TT set @ 19 seconds [didn't beat the TT; went ~:58.5]200 EZ recoveryMAJOR/MINOR SET: 4004 X 100 on 1:50 sendoff, major/minorMajor stroke = Freestyle pull with paddlesMinor: Breast pull with paddlesFIN SET: 25010 X 25 freestyle with fins, breathe twice per 25WARMDOWN: 400400 Backstroke and backstroke drills with finsTotal Yardage: 30006 X 50Divide into two teams. While Team #1 does med-ball pass (without letting the hands or ball go in the water), Team #2 does a 50 free.WARMDOWN: 200 Total Yardage: 3000

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