Here's an IM set that pulls you along from start to finish, and that gives you multiple opportunities to work on transition turns and on transitioning from one stroke to another. Keep your turns legal and sharp, and finish each round with a strong freestyle finish.
Note: When the set says to do 100 FL + 25 BK, that means you do a 125, not
100 FL + 25 BK
100 BK + 25 BR
100 BR + 25 FR
125 FR
75 FL + 25 BK
75 BK + 25 BR
75 BR + 25 FR
100 FR
50 FL + 25 BK
50 BK + 25 BR
50 BR + 25 FR
75 FR
25 FL + 25 BK
25 BK + 25 BR
25 BR + 25 FR
50 FR
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