Swimming Set of the Week - April 11, 2008

Apr 11, 2008
Swimming Set of the Week - April 11, 2008

I was at Boston University last weekend to watch a regional diving meet, and saw this workout on the whiteboard by the pool.  It looked interesting, so here it is as the set of the week.  Thanks, BU coaching staff!  If the coach who wrote this is out there listening, please let us know.   (PS...You can find a short variation of this set as an IM/freestyle set here.)

3 X 100 on 1:10

4 X 50 on :45, working distance per stroke

1 X 900, negative split

6 X 100 on 1:10

4 X 50 on :50, working distance per stroke

1 X 600 , negative split

9 X 100 on 1:10

4 X 50 on :55, working distance per stroke

1 X 300, negative split

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