Swimming Set of the Week - April 13, 2012

Apr 13, 2012
Swimming Set of the Week - April 13, 2012

Yesterday's main set was all about back-half swimming.  Today's set continues that theme...but the entire main set requires a "back-half" strategy in order to achieve the goal of descending your times over the course of 1800 yards.

WARMUP:  1000
400 easy
4 X 100 choice on moderate sendoff
4 X 50 kick on moderate sendoff, but the kick should be up tempo

MAIN SET:  1800
9 X 200 on sendoffs that give approximately 30 seconds rest.   Swim the 9 X 200 as three rounds of the following:

1 X 200 with a pull buoy (this can be free, back, breast, or fly but you must use a pull buoy)
1 X 200 no equipment (this can be any stroke or IM or kick)
1 X 200 with fins (choice of stroke or IM or kick, but you must use fins)

GOAL:  Descend your time on each of the three "tracks"...the pull track, the no-equipment track, and the fin track.  Because you're comparing times, swim the same thing within each track (e.g., if you pull freestyle on the first 200, you should pull freestyle on the 4th and 7th 200).


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