Swimming Set of the Week - April 19, 2013

Apr 19, 2013
Swimming Set of the Week - April 19, 2013

Have a good weekend, and hopefully everyone has a chance to get in the water  

QUOTE of the Day – Respect everyone – “I speak to everyone in the same way, whether he is the garbage man or the president of the university.”―Einstein

Swimming Hall of Fame Might Be Moving — Could Santa Clara Be New Home? | @SwimmingWorld – http://bit.ly/12rTUdp?

Vid of the Day – Steve Haufler – Breaststroke Teaching Progression – Step #1 – http://bit.ly/1174OSN

National Team Coaches Seminar: Assembling a Winning Culture – http://bit.ly/12rU7NI

Instabeat | Pretty wild tech – Love seeing cool tools created for swimming – http://igg.me/at/instabeat/x/1597287

Can’t escape high level technology in swimming –  Nanotechnology in Competitive Swimming | @swimmersdaily – http://bit.ly/1174F1K

If you’re ever feeling a bit down, watch this. Have a good weekend everyone – Dave Denniston Speaks! @DavoDenniston http://bit.ly/12rWnUU

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