Swimming Set of the Week - December 10, 2010

Dec 12, 2010
Swimming Set of the Week - December 10, 2010

 A set for breaststroke this week.  

Swim 5 rounds of the following.  Take 60 to 90 seconds extra rest between rounds to let your heart rate return to a level of 90 to 100 bpm.  Ideally, each swimmer will be wearing two Tempo Trainers for this set...one in Mode 1 and the other in Mode 2 (wear one over each ear).   If you have just one Tempo Trainer, use it in Mode 1.  If you don't have a Tempo Trainer, try the set anyway!

The goal of the set is to simulate race conditions of pace, stroke rate, and fatigue for the 200 breast.  Where this happens is on the final 100 of each 200, combined with the 2 X 50 that follow.  Try to swim the 50s at slightly below race pace for the 200.  E.g., if you want to swim 2:35 for 200 scy breast, you're need to average 38.5 seconds per 50, so in this set you should try to swim the 50s in 36 to 37 seconds.  This means that your second Tempo Trainer should be in Mode 2 and set to beep every 18 seconds.

1 X 200 on whatever sendoff gives you approximately 45 seconds rest.  Swim this as:
25 pulse breaststroke
25 breaststroke kick on your back
25 breaststroke with an extra kick
25 breaststroke kick on your back
100 breaststroke 

2 X 50 breast on 1:00 sendoff

Round #1: TT #1 set in Mode 1 and set to beep at a comfortable stroke rate (cadence) for your breaststroke.    Depending on your size and ability, this might be anywhere from 1:55 to 1:85.  TT#2 should be set in Mode 2 and set to beep at your 25 pace for the 200.  

Round #2:  TT #1 increase your stroke rate by :05.  TT #2 remains at your 25 pace for the 200.

Rounds #3, 4, 5:  TT #1 increase your stroke rate by another :05.  TT #2 remains at your 25 pace for the 200.  

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