Swimming Set of the Week - December 25, 2009

Dec 25, 2009
Swimming Set of the Week - December 25, 2009

What else...The 12 Sets of Christmas.  Happy Holidays everyone!

With a 400 warmup, this set takes about an hour.   For added amusement, coach can sing the workout (it scans to "The Twelve Days of Christmas").  

The 12 Sets of Christmas

12 X 25 drilling (swimmers take turns choosing the drill)              300

11 lengths no stopping (choice of stroke/equipment)                    275

10 strokes of freestyle (take only 10 strokes for 25 yards)             25

9 flipper 50s (freestyle with fins on SHORT rest interval... :10)     450

8 breaths for 50 (freestyle; space out your breaths)                         50

7 strokes of breaststroke (25 breast in 7 strokes; then 7 strokes butterfly coming back)    50

6 50s IM (fins optional; twice through Fly/Back... Back/Breast...Breast/Free)        300

5 lengths of kicking (choice)      125

4 minutes med ball  (get in a circle in deep end; pass the med ball for 4 minutes)

3 sprints choice  (3 X 25 choice, ALL OUT)  75

2 lengths of scull  (choice of scull)     50

And a silent swim to cool yourself down    50

Total Yardage:  1650

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