Backstroke bent-arm pull is the focus of this week’s Swimming Set of the Week. Here are some video clips to give you good images before you go to the pool:
Steve Haufler
Kaitlin Sandeno
Robert Margalis
3 rounds of the following:
1 X 50 backstroke scull
Use a pull buoy, and travel head first on your back, sculling with arms at your sides.
1 X 50 double-arm backstroke; focus on “placing” the hands just wide of the shoulders, and using a bent-arm pull
1 X 100 backstroke (25 left-arm only + 25 right-arm only + 25 2Left/2Right Backstroke + 25 Backstroke); focus on bent-arm pull
1 X 100, alternate 25 back/25 free; focus on bent-arm pull during backstroke and EVF during freestyle. Notice the similarities!
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