Swimming Set of the Week - December 9, 2008

Dec 9, 2008
Swimming Set of the Week - December 9, 2008

 This week's set is a favorite at taper time -- roughly two or three weeks away from a big meet.  It asks you to do 12 X 100, descending time gradually, and with control, until you're within six seconds of your target race time on the final 100.   

12 X 100, swum as three rounds of 4 X 100, with 100 easy recovery between rounds.   Instead of using a sendoff, use your heart rate.  Don't start a new 100 until your HR returns to within 63 to 65% of your max rate.  E.g., if your max heart rate is 160, wait until your HR returns to 100 before starting a new 100.  If your max is 180, wait until HR returns to about 115.   The final two 100s are from the blocks.  

This set can be done without a Tempo Trainer, but if you have one, it will really help you control the descend.   Use it in Mode 2.  Start by choosing your target race time.  Let's say it's 1:10 for 100 breast.   Add 6 seconds to your target time (1:16).  Now divide by 4 (:19 seconds per length).   This is the time and pace you want to swim on your final 100 of the set.   For this breaststroker, the set would look like this:

#1:    1:36  TT set @ :24
#2:    1:32  TT set @ :23
#3:    1:28  TT set @ :22
#4:    1:24  TT set @ :21

100 easy recovery

#5:     1:32  TT set @ :23
#6:     1:28  TT set @ :22
#7:     1:24  TT set @ :21
#8:     1:20  TT set @ :20

100 easy recovery

#9:      1:28   TT set @ :22
#10:    1:24   TT set @ :21
#11:    1:20   TT set @ :20  (from the blocks)
#12:    1:16   TT set @ :19  (from the blocks)

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