Swimming Set of the Week - February 15, 2013

Feb 18, 2013
Swimming Set of the Week - February 15, 2013

Recovery set this week.   Lots of fins, kick, drills, and easy swimming (except at the end :).

MAIN SET:  2000 yards or meters
Swimmers recovering from a speed set the previous day should use fins on the 400s and 200s.  Those not needing a recovery day did the 400s and 200s without fins.

1 X 400 IM or FRIM (IM substituting freestyle for butterfly), but do it as 50 kick/ 50 drill in the correct stroke; do at least 3 underwater dolphins off each wall, no matter what stroke you're swimming.   Suggested drill for all strokes is 2 Left/2 Right.

Three rounds
2 X 25 kick on :40
1 X 50 pull on 1:00 (hold pull buoy at ankles, knees, normal position by round)

1 X 400 IM or FRIM, but do it as 50 kick/50 swim in the correct strke; do at least 3 underwater dolphins off each wall

Three rounds:
2 X 25 kick on :40
1 X 50 pull on 1:00 (hold pull buoy at ankles, knees, normal position by round)

2 X 200 IM or FRIM, do them as all swim; do at least 3 underwater dolphins off each wall

Two rounds:
Everyone wears fins for this set!
2 X 25 kick on :40
2 X 25 SPRINT freestyle on :45

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