Swimming Set of the Week - February 17, 2009

Feb 17, 2009
Swimming Set of the Week - February 17, 2009

 This week's swim set works your dolphin kick off the wall.

Fins are optional on everything but the breaststroke swims.
On EVERY length that you swim (except for breaststroke lengths), start with at least 4 underwater dolphin kicks.  Keep arm sin streamline when you do the UW kicks.

1 X 400, alternating 25 dolphin kick on your back/ 25 freestyle.  Each freestyle length should be faster than the preceding freestyle length.  Every length starts with 4 UW dolphin kicks.

2 X 200, alternating 25 backstroke/ 25 freestyle.  Each length starts with 4 UW dolphins.

4 X 100, alternating 25 of 2L/2R/2 whole-stroke butterfly/ 25 backstroke.  Keep up with the dolphins.

8 X 50 breaststroke.  Do a double pullout when you start each 50, then do a normal pullout after the turn.

16 X 25 IM order 4 times through
If you wear fins, do breaststroke with dolphin kick.
Start every length with 4 UW dolphins.

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