Swimming Set of the Week - February 17, 2012

Feb 17, 2012
Swimming Set of the Week - February 17, 2012

A mellow recovery set or something more challenging...you decide.

WARMUP:  600, including some kick in each stroke

MAIN SET:  2150
400 IM (25 kick/25 swim/25 kick/25 swim in each stroke)...fins optional.  If you wear fins on this 400, wear them on the subsequent 400s and on the 200 at the end.

10 X 25 freestyle pull with maximum of two breaths per length; do 3 or 4 "bobs" after each 25 as your recovery 

400 IM (25 kick/25 swim/25 kick/25 swim in each stroke)...fins optional...descend time from before

10 X 25 with 3 or 4 bobs after each 25 as your recovery
Odd 25s:  Breaststroke, aiming for maximum distance per stroke (count your strokes)
Even 25s:  Double underwater pullout into one big stroke of breaststroke, then finish the length with freestyle

400 IM (25 kick/25 swim/25 kick/25 swim in each stroke)...fins optional...descend time from previous 400 IM

10 X 25 freestyle pull with maximum of two breaths per length; do 3 or 4 "bobs" after each 25 as your recovery

200 IM (25 kick/25 swim in each stroke...fins optional. Take your time on the 3rd 400 from above.  Subtract  about 10 seconds and divide by 2.  This is your target time for this final 200.  Example:  If your time on the 3rd 400 was 6:09, your goal is to do 3:00 or faster on this final 200.

WARMDOWN:  250 gives you 3000

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