Swimming Set of the Week - January 18, 2013

Jan 18, 2013
Swimming Set of the Week - January 18, 2013

How do you celebrate 50 years as a swimmer?  50 X 50 on :50?  Nah.   Here's what Rich and his teammates did this morning...a more mature approach to a classic set, allowing 50 seconds of rest here and there -- just enough time for teammates to sing happy birthday and birthday swimmers to blow out the candles.

MAIN SET:  Takes approximately 42 minutes
Swim as far or as short as you want on each of the "swims."  Just make the sendoffs.  Choice of stroke and equipment throughout.  Kicking and drilling is OK, too.   You do not have to do the same thing on each swim within a segment, e.g., you can alternate 200/150/200/150/200 when the sendoff is 2:30.

5 swims on :50 sendoff/turnaround

0 swims on :50 (this means you take 50 seconds to rest and regroup)

5 swims on 1:40

0 swims on :50 (rest and regroup)

5 swims on 2:30

0 swims on :50  (rest and regroup)

5 swims on 1:40

0 swims on :50 (rest and regroup)

5 swims on :50 (do a Tennessee Turn on the final 50, in honor of Rich!)

0 s wims on :50  (rest and relax...you're done!) 

Happy 50th, Rich!  (And nice going, finishing 2800 yards on the main set, no fins.)

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