Swimming Set of the Week - January 28, 2011

Jan 28, 2011
Swimming Set of the Week - January 28, 2011

 Here's a short but intense set designed to help you get maximum benefit from your fins.

Earlier this week I had a chance to swim at Asphalt Green in NYC.  One highlight was watching Glenn film the Drill of the Week, and watching the set that the young swimmers were doing while Glenn was filming.   The set was designed by AGUA Head Coach Rachel Stratton and it was LCM 10 X 50 with fins on 1:00; odd 50s easy; even 50s all-out racing.   The instruction was, on the easy 50s, to use the fins in an "easy" way to achieve a nice gliding stroke with a good "catch" on the front end (with the arms).   Then, on the all-out 50s, the instruction was to use the fins in a powerful way to achieve a pace that was faster than race pace.   The set made the swimmers aware that there are various ways to use fins to benefit your stroke.

When I returned to Vermont, I had my Masters swimmers do a set that was modeled on Coach Stratton's set.  We did this as SCY.

8 X 75 freestyle with fins on whatever sendoff gives 30 seconds rest.  On the first 50, use the fins to achieve a nice glide and good catch out front.  On the final 25, use the fins to swim at ABOVE race pace.    Short, sweet, intense.


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