Swimming Set of the Week - January 31, 2014

Jan 31, 2014
Swimming Set of the Week - January 31, 2014

Butterfly set this week…one that will tax you but not destroy you.

8 X 50 on whatever sendoff/turnaround gives you 10-15 seconds rest.  Fins are optional.
Each 50 is 25 swim + 25 kick of choice on your back, but preferably dolphin kick on your back.
On the first 50, start with 3 strokes of butterfly, then finish the length with freestyle.
On the second 50, add another stroke of fly before you switch to freestyle.
On each 50, keep adding 1 stroke of fly until you max out, then start again at 3 strokes.
This sequence will allow you to hold good form for the entire set.

1 X 100 easy recovery, choice


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