Swimming Set of the Week - January 6, 2012

Jan 7, 2012
Swimming Set of the Week - January 6, 2012

 This week's set combines speedwork and easy recovery swimming...a good mix for mid-season speedwork.  The most intense segment of the set should be the 5 X 75s toward the end.

You'll notice that the main set revolves around a base of 1:15.  

10 pulls on 1:15 sendoff; choice of distance and choice of pull.  If you do 50s and 1:15 is too long of a sendoff, do a 25 of scull or a 25 of pull in another stroke so that 1:15 is a "good" sendoff.

1:15 rest and regroup

5 X 50 choice "up and outs" on 1:15 sendoff.  Start each 50 from the blocks or from the side of the pool.
5 minutes easy swim, pull, or kick

1:15 rest and regroup

5 swims on 1:15, rotating through parachute, tether, med ball or whatever other strength-building equipment you have on hand
5 minutes easy swim, pull, or kick

1:15 rest and regroup

5 X 75 from the blocks UP TEMPO on 2:30 sendoff; choice of stroke and equipment.
These are really 5 X 100.  Think of them as a fast 75 on 1:15, followed by an easy recovery 25 on 1:15.  If you do the same stroke (or IM) on all 5 X 75, try to descend your times 1-5.  This is the most intense segment of the set.   It you're really working, you should begin to feel the buildup of lactic acid on #2 or #3, just as you would during a race.  Learn to accept the feeling and deal with it!

5 mintues easy swim, pull, or kick
1:15 rest and regroup
6 X 25 kick ALL OUT on :45.  Fins are OK.

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