Swimming Set of the Week - January 7, 2011

Jan 7, 2011
Swimming Set of the Week - January 7, 2011

Two sets this week, both using active recovery.

MAIN SET:  1600 yards/meters

6 X 125 freestyle + 25 active recovery
Swim a 125, get your time, and then push off right away for an easy length of active recovery.  Recovery can be anything:  easy kick on your back, backstroke, sidestroke, etc.  When you finish the recovery length, wait until the next 5-second TICK on the clock and then push off to start your next 125.  Try to descend your time on every two 125s.   Coach's note:  If you can record everyone's times on a whiteboard, it will enhance accountability :)  

200 dolphin kick recovery (fins optional)

10 X 50 choice on a sendoff that gives 15 to 20 seconds rest

Rest an extra 30 second, then swim 1 X 50 faster than previous 50s.  After you get your time on this 50, push off right away and do an easy 50 of active recovery.  When you finish the easy 50, wait until the next 5-second TICK on the clock and then push off and swim a 50 that is FASTER than the previous 50.  I.e., this one is really FAST.


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