Swimming Set of the Week - July 12, 2013

Jul 16, 2013
Swimming Set of the Week - July 12, 2013

Favorite swimming set for Barbara’s masters group this week.  Everybody on the same sendoff/turnaround.

Sendoffs are for SCM.  Adjust downward by about 10% for SCY.  Everyone goes on the same sendoff/turnaround.   The sendoffs will be generous for some swimmers, but this will allow them to kick, scull, do off strokes…or swim FAST.   This kind of set is all about the descends.

WARMUP:  400 on your own

Twice through:
2 X 25 kick on :45
1 X 50 pull on 1:15

MAIN SET:  1650
Three times through the following.  FIns optional throughout.  Stay together as a group!  No extra break between rounds.

3 X 100 choice on 2:10; descend time 1-3

1 X 25 Fly (or Fly drill) on :45

1 X 50 Back/Breast on 1:15

1 X 75 Back/Breast/Free on 1:45

1 X 100 IM or FRIM on 2:15  (FRIM = IM, substituting Freestyle for Butterfly)  Descend time each round.

50 kick + 50 anything but Free + 100 choice

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