Swimming Set of the Week - July 19, 2013

Jul 19, 2013
Swimming Set of the Week - July 19, 2013

Speed set this week, but the kind that energizes rather than destroys.

MAIN SET:  1800
18 X 100 FRIM (FRIM = IM, substituting freestyle for butterfly)
Every third 100 is up tempo.

The first swim in every triad should be at recovery pace.  The second swim should be at moderate pace.  The third swim is up tempo (fast but under control).

All 18 X 100 should be on the same sendoff/turnaround; the amount of rest that you get will vary depending on your equipment and pace.   Determine your sendoff based on your first swim.  Add 20-25 seconds to your time and that’s your sendoff for the remainder of the set.

Rounds #1 and #4:  No equipment
Rounds #2 and #5:  Wear a pull buoy (It’s OK to kick during backstroke and breaststroke)
Rounds #3 and #6:  Wear fins

Rounds #4, 5, and 6 should be faster than rounds #1, 2, and 3.

Need more?  Add another 9 X 100:
First triad:  No equipment…or wear a pull buoy
Second triad:  Wear fins
Third triad:  Wear fins and paddles

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