Swimming Set of the Week - July 22, 2011

Jul 22, 2011
Swimming Set of the Week - July 22, 2011

Tempo Trainer set this week.

For this week's set it's helpful, but not necessary, to have done the backstroke set from Main Set Thursday.   Take your Tempo Trainer settings from that set of 50s and try the following.  Fins are optional.

9 X 100 (or 12 X 100) on a sendoff that gives 20-25 seconds rest
Each 100 is 50 backstroke + 50 freestyle.
1st 3 X 100, use your initial Tempo Trainer setting from the set of 50s.  I.e., choose a nice, comfortable cadence.   Match the cadence for backstroke AND for freestyle.
2nd 3 X 100...increase your cadence by :05.
3rd 3 X 100...increase your cadence by another :05.
4th 3 X 100 (optional round)...increase your cadence by another :05.

Have fun.

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