Swimming Set of the Week - July 26, 2013

Jul 26, 2013
Swimming Set of the Week - July 26, 2013

Pace set this week, with the pace getting faster as the set progresses.

MAIN SET:  1800
On the “longer” swims, you need to determine your average pace per 50 (coach can help with this).  This is your starting pace for the first 50 of the 3 x 50 that follow.  As you work through the set, your pace for the “longer” swims should get faster…so, your pace for the 50s should get faster.  On the 50s, use a sendoff/turnaround that gives 15 to 20 seconds rest — no less than 15 seconds!  You can change stroke and equipment on different segments, but not within a segment.

The trickiest 50 is always the first one in each round of 3 X 50.  If you mis-judge your pace and go too fast…oops…you have to descend from that pace.

2 X 200 on approximately 30-second rest interval
3 X 50; descend 1-3

50 easy recovery

2 X 150
3 X 50; descend 1-3

50 easy recovery

2 X 100
3 X 50; descend 103

50 easy recovery

2 X 75
3 X 50; descend 1-3

50 easy recovery

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