Swimming Set of the Week - July 5, 2013

Jul 8, 2013
Swimming Set of the Week - July 5, 2013

This week’s set helps triathletes get ready for that initial race to the first buoy.

The entire practice takes about 60 minutes.  If you have a longer session, substitute 5 X 300 or 5 X 400 for the 200s.

WARMUP:  400 on your own

Grab some buddies for a 200 pace-line draft; lead swimmer becomes the caboose after each 50.

MAIN SET:  1700+
5 X 200
Start each 200 with 10 pushups.  Then dive into the water and swim FAST for one length.  This is not an all-out sprint!  Keep it fast but under control.  After the first length, settle into a pace that you think you could sustain for the duraction of a long swim.  Check your pulse after each 200.  You should be in your aetobic zone, and not at threshold.  Let your heart rate come down to 100-110 before starting your next set of pushups.  If you want to do the 200s with a pull buoy (to mimic your wetsuit), that’s OK.

200 recovery swim…anything but freestyle.

5 X 100
Start each 100 by taking a few strokes of free, then flip and return to your initial wall to start your “official” 100.  But…after the flip you need to come up and SIGHT on your initial wall.  The 100s should be at a sustainable, aerobic pace.


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