Swimming Set of the Week - July13, 2012

Jul 13, 2012
Swimming Set of the Week - July13, 2012

Pace set this week...which should turn into a speed set at the end if you swim it correctly.

MAIN SET:  1800
Get your times on the "longer" swims and calculate your average pace per 50.  (E.g., if you swim the 200s in 2:40, you average pace per 50 is 40 seconds.)  This is your starting pace for the first 50 of the 3 X 50 that follow.  As you work through the set, your pace for the longer swims should get faster...so, your pace for the 50s should get faster.  On the 50s, use an interval that gives 20 to 25 seconds rest -- no less than 20 seconds!  You can change stroke and kit on different segments, but not within a segment.

As Barbara's masters swimmers did this set, there was tendency to go too fast on the first 50 in each group of 3 X 50.  Beware!  That first 50 should be at the same pace as the longer swim that preceded it.

2 X 200 on approx. 30-second rest interval
3 X 50; descend 1-3

50 easy recovery

2 X 150
3 X 50; descend 1-3

50 easy recovery

2 X 100
3 X 50; descend 1-3

50 easy recovery

2 X 75
3 X 50; descend 1-3

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