Swimming Set of the Week - June 10, 2011

Jun 10, 2011
Swimming Set of the Week - June 10, 2011

What do you do when you have long-course meets coming up, but practice in a short-course pool?  Here's a practice that will help get you ready.

Practice takes about 90 minutes and is 3500 yards/meters.

WARMUP:  1000
400 easy choice
6 X 100 (25 kick/25 drill/50 swim of the same stroke)
Odd 100s:  Choice
Even 200s:  Freestyle

MAIN SET #1:  1350
Read all the instructions before you start!
3 X 50 + 1 X 75 + 225 + 1 X tether
2 X 50 + 1 X 75 + 225 + 1 X tether
1 X 50 + 1 X 75 + 225 + 1 X tether

The 50s are moderate pace on short rest (a sendoff that gives approx. 10 seconds rest)...then the 1 X 75 should be FAST.  Don't take any extra rest between the 50s and the 75.  

The 225s are smooth and easy recovery, choice.  These can be pulling or with fins.

Tether is choice; fins are OK.  Do just 1 X 25 or 1 X 50 (25 resisted & 25 assisted) per round.

MAIN SET #2:  1000
4 X 125 choice on a sendoff that gives approximately 30 seconds rest.  Descend 1-3.  #4 is from a dive and should be a little faster than #3.

3 X 125 choice on same sendoff as before plus 10 seconds.  Descend 1-2.  #3 is from a dive and should be equal in time to #2 (maybe a little faster).

1 X 125 choice from a dive.  Should be fastest of all 125s.

WARMDOWN:  150 easy

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