Swimming Set of the Week - June 17, 2011

Jun 17, 2011
Swimming Set of the Week - June 17, 2011

How to train for LCM in an SCY pool?  This week's set features broken 125s and broken 75s... to get you ready to race a 100 or 50 LCM.

This was a favorite set last week for our Masters swimmers getting ready for LCM championships.

Total yardage:  3500
Total time:  Approx. 90 minutes

WARMUP:  400 on your own

4 X 100 pull on easy sendoff (we used 2:00).  Third length of every 100 is either backstroke or breaststroke and you can add kick on that length; descend time on #4.
4 X 50 with fins on an easy sendoff (we used 1:00).  Descend time on #4.

MAIN SET:  2400
Read the entire set before you start!
5 X 125 broken at the 25 and at the 100 (i.e., you swim 25 and stop...swim 75 and stop...swim the final 25).
After each 125, swim easy back to the shallow end to start the next 125 as a group.
Numbers 1, 3, and 5 are from the blocks.  Break for exactly 10 seconds on #1 and #3.  Break for exactly 20 seconds on #5.  Calculate your "subtracted time" for each 125 and descend 1-3-5.
Numbers 2 and 4 are from a push and should be a different stroke (or kick or pull).  These should be moderate or easy pace.  Break for 10 seconds at the 25 and at the 100.

100 easy recovery

8 X 25 with fins or pull buoy on :30.  Stretch out your breathing and focus on exhaling completely.  These are recovery 25s.

7 X 75 broken at the 50.  After each 75, swim an easy 25 back to the "starting wall."  
Numbers 1, 3, 5, and 7 are from the blocks, with all swimmers starting together as a group.  Break for exactly 10 seconds on #1 and #3. Break for exactly 15 seconds on #5 and #7.  Calculate your "subtracted time" on each 75 and descend 1-3-5-7.
Numbers 2, 4, and 6 are from a push and should be a different stroke (or kick or pull).  These should be moderate or easy pace.  Break for 10 seconds on all of them.

100 easy recovery

10 X 25 freestyle with fins.  Numbers 1,3,5,7, and 9 are ALL-OUT FAST, with swimmers racing two abreast in each lane (this is fun to watch if you're a coach).   Even 25s are easy swimming back to the "starting wall."  

100 easy recovery

8 X 25 freestyle with fins or pull buoy on :35.  Stretch out your breathing and focus on exhaling completely.  These are pre warmdown.

WARMDOWN:  100 easy choice

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