Swimming Set of the Week - June 24, 2011

Jun 27, 2011
Swimming Set of the Week - June 24, 2011

Kick set this week...working on 6-beat flutter plus dolphin plus breaststroke.

WARMUP:  400

200 easy kicking on your back to get the knees and ankles warmed up.  Cycle through 3 dolphin kicks, 6 flutter kicks, and 3 breaststroke kicks...all on your back.

MAIN SET:  2200
4 X 100 pull, breathing every 5..4..3..2 by 25.  If you normally breathe every 3 strokes, breathe every 6..5..4..3 by 25.  Descend time on #4.

4 X 50 kick with a board on a sendoff that gives approx. 10 seconds rest..   Every length is half a length flutter kick + half a length breaststroke kick.

4 X 100 freestyle with fins.  Count strokes on the first 25, then take off one stroke on each subsequent 25 of the 100.  E.g., if you first length is 15 strokes, your stroke count by 25 should be 15..14..13..12.  Maintain the same stroke-count pattern on each 100.  You will need to swim quick and light on the first 25, and lay on the kick on the final 25.

4 X 50 kick with a board on a sendoff that gives approx. 10 seconds rest..   Every length is half a length flutter kick + half a length breaststroke kick.

4 X 100 freestyle using a 6-beat kick throughout.

12 X 50 up-tempo kick with fins on a :45, :50, or :55 sendoff (whatever gives you 10 seconds rest when you're going up tempo).  Each 50 is 25 dolphin on your back + 25 flutter kick on your back. 

WARMDOWN:  200 easy pull

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