Swimming Set of the Week - June 3, 2011

Jun 3, 2011
Swimming Set of the Week - June 3, 2011

This week's set will make everybody happy with a combination of IM and freestyle.

Swim at least 4 rounds of the following (450 yards/meters per round).   If you want to keep things simple, use a 30-second base per 25 as a sendoff.  Or, you can adjust for slower or faster swimmers.  The set provides many opportunities to work on your transition turns.  Remember to keep your head low to the water on the open turns!   To see great examples of transition turns, pick up a copy of any or all of these Go Swim videos:
All Strokes with Kaitlin Sandeno & Erik Vendt
All Strokes with Karlyn Pipes-Neilsen
All Strokes with Eric Shanteau
Teaching the 7 Competitive Turns with Steve Haufler
All Strokes with Robert Margalis

Throughout the set, descend your times on the 100 IMs AND on the 200s pull.  

1 X 25 butterfly (or fly drill)
1 X 50 (25 backstroke + 25 breaststroke)
1 X 75 (25 backstroke + 25 breaststroke + 25 freestyle)
1 X 100 IM
1 X 200 pull

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