Swimming Set of the Week - June 7, 2013

Jun 8, 2013
Swimming Set of the Week - June 7, 2013

Working bilateral breathing this week.   Before practice, check out one or two of these video clips for ideas on different bilateral patterns, and to get some good visual images to take to the pool.

Sara McLarty:  Bilateral Breathing
Vary Your Breathing
Eric Shanteau: Bilateral Breathing
Kara Lynn Joyce:  Breathing

WARMUP:  400 on your own

8 X 25 freestyle
1-2:  Breathe every 3; focus on equal hip rotation Left to Right
3-4:  Breathe every 2…every 3; same focus
5-6:  Breathe twice to the right, then twice to the left, going immediately from one side to the other
7-8:  Breathe every 3; focus on equal hip rotation

MAIN SET:  2100
Three rounds:
3 X 200 freestyle, using your choice of a bilateral breathing pattern; descend time 1-3
1 X 100 easy recovery — preferably something other than freestyle

Round #1:  Use a sendoff/turnaround that gives approx. 30 seconds rest on the initial 200.  Take the rest!
Round #2:  Take 10 seconds off your sendoff
Round #3:  Take another 5 seconds off your sendoff
** Choice of equipment through the set.

Goal:  Hold a bilateral breathing pattern for the entire set.
Goal:  Descend time 1-3 within each round.
Focus:  Get your hips into the stroke.  Get equal rotation of the hips, from left to right.

WARMDOWN:  200-300

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