Swimming Set of the Week - June 8, 2012

Jun 8, 2012
Swimming Set of the Week - June 8, 2012

Pace set this week, working on your ability to negative-split your swims.  You'll also be working on your ability to check the pace clock as you swim into the wall on each 100 or 200.   You have to know your interim splits to know if you're achieving negative splits.  

MAIN SET:  2100
1 X 400; negative split the second 200 by at least 5 seconds; pace yourself!

4 X 50 choice on a sendoff that gives 15-20 seconds rest; descend 1-4

1 X 300; each 100 should be faster than the preceding 100

4 X 50 choice as before; descend 1-4

1 X 200; negative split

4 X 50 choice as before; descend 1-4

3 X 200; descend 1-3 and take at least 20 seconds rest between swims.  As an added challenge, try to negative split each 200, i.e., within each 200 the second 100 should be faster than the first 200.

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